🌱 Manifesto πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸƒπŸƒπŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Running is more than a sport, running can help you reach a state of flow. Running is a road to awareness that helps to identify and break physical and mental barriers. Research suggests that outdoor activity, such as running, which is conducted in a natural or green environment causes greater feelings of revitalisation and positive engagement. Also, running is fun πŸ˜„.

Conscious & effortless running is composed of 4 principles or 4 A’s:

πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ Action

Act with intention. Master running form and technique. Practice. Be consistent. Be authentic. Pace yourself. Rest and recover. Sleep well. Eat healthy. Breathe with ease. Plan and be flexible. Use equipment (shoes, clothing, gear) that helps you and doesn't hurt you. Be true to yourself. Learn from others. Learn from your own experience. Examine the scientific evidence. Don’t take these words for granted, try it for yourself. 

πŸ‘ Awareness

Open Awareness. Non-distraction. Spaciousness. Being mindful. Non-grasping. Awareness of your outer and inner environment is key: from the local weather, your surroundings, how well you sleep, what food you eat, the clothes you wear, the pace you run at, your heartbeat, your body sensations, your mind, the thoughts, feelings and emotions, that accompany you. With awareness comes insight and wisdom.

πŸ˜„ Amusement

Play. Fun and joy. Embrace the immediacy and spontaneity of the moment. Run in the wilderness. Run with others. Run free, with ease, light and effortless.

πŸ’š Apapacho

Apapacho (Mexican Spanish) means many things: an affectionate embrace, tenderness, affection, bond, cuddle. In this context apapacho represents loving-kindness and compassion for oneself and all living beings. Community, collaboration and family. Acceptance. Non-harming. Gratitude. Balance with Earth, nature, and the environment.

The right way to run is to dance, to dance across the countryside

– Alan Watts, The Self, Pursuit of Pleasure

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